Procedure to Review Papers

The procedures for reviewing and selecting papers for inclusion in journal proceedings typically will follow a structured and rigorous process to ensure quality and relevance. Here’s a summary of the typical steps involved:

  1. Call for Papers: The journal issue a call for papers, outlining the scope, topics of interest, submission guidelines, and deadlines.
  2. Paper Submission: Authors submit their papers electronically through the submission system or designated email. Submissions must adhere to the formatting and length requirements specified.
  3. Initial Screening: The submissions undergo an initial screening by the designated reviewers to ensure they meet the basic criteria such as relevance to the conference theme, originality, and adherence to formatting guidelines. (Plagiarism must be below 15%).
  4. Peer Review: Accepted papers undergo a peer review process where they are evaluated by subject matter experts in the field. Reviewers assess the quality, significance, novelty, clarity, and technical soundness of the submissions.
  5. Reviewer Feedback: Reviewers provide feedback and critiques on the strengths and weaknesses of each paper. They may recommend acceptance, revision, or rejection based on their assessment.
  6. Author Notification: Authors are notified of the review outcomes, which may include acceptance, acceptance with revisions, or rejection. For accepted papers, authors receive detailed feedback from reviewers to address any necessary revisions.
  7. Revision Phase: Authors of papers with requested revisions have the opportunity to revise their submissions based on the feedback provided by reviewers. They typically have a specified timeframe to make revisions and resubmit their papers.
  8. Final Decision: After the revision phase, the revised papers are re-evaluated by the reviewers or program committee to ensure that the requested changes have been adequately addressed. Final decisions on acceptance or rejection are made based on the revised submissions.
  9. Publication: Accepted papers are included in the proceedings, which may be published in print or electronic format. Authors of accepted papers are usually required to submit a final camera-ready version of their paper, ensuring consistency with formatting and addressing any final corrections.

This process helps maintain the quality and integrity of the proceedings by ensuring that only high-quality and relevant research contributions are included.