Course Objectives & Course Outcomes

Subject Code: (1A1-11945) Subject: Engineering mathematics-I
Course Outcomes-
1 Apply the knowledge of successive differentiation to  Solve the engineering problems
2 Apply the multivariable differential calculus to solve the  engineering problem
3 Use complex number to analyse the problem  in the field of engineering
4 Evaluate the differential equations using appropriate method and apply the knowledge in engineering field.
5 Evaluate the higher order differential equations and apply the knowledge in real life problems
6 Apply the knowledge of sequence and series to find prediction of outcomes

Subject Code: 1A2 (11946) Subject: Engineering Physics
Course Outcomes-
Students are able to
1 Analyze solid on the basis of band theory and conductivity by using concept of solid state physics
2 Apply the knowledge of modern physics in engineering
3 Categorize electric and magnetic field and use of electromagnetic principal in a wide range of application
4 Describe interference and diffraction using concept of optics
5 Distinguish the type of optical fiber in communication
6 Apply the knowledge of fluid dynamics acoustics in engineering

Subject Code: 1A3 (11947) Subject: ENGINEERING MECHANICS
Course Outcomes-
1 Analyze force system and resolve them in to components using the law of parallelogram and to know how to determine the resultant.
2 Evaluate equilibrium problems using the equations of equilibrium.
3 Determine the location of centroid for a system of discrete particles and a body of arbitrary shape.
4 Design the concept of position, displacement, velocity and acceleration, to study the particle motion along the straight line and represent their motion graphically, to investigate particle motion along a curved path using different coordinates system and to examine the principles of relative motion of two particles using translating axis.
5 Apply Newton’s laws of motion and gravitational attraction and to define mass and weight and to analyze the accelerated motion
6 Develop the principle of work and energy and apply it to solve problems that involve force, velocity and displacement, to study the problems that involve power and efficiency and to introduce the concept of conservative force and apply the theorems of conservation of energy to solve kinetic problem

Subject Code: 1A4 (11948) Subject: computer programming
Course Outcomes-
1 Solve the given problem using the syntactical structures of C language.
2 Develop, execute and document computerized solution for various problems using the features of C language.
3 Apply C fundamentals as data types, variables, operators, functions for create C program
4 Apply  basic concepts of integral calculus to solve elementary engineering  problems
5 Describe the C Control Construct.
6 Read and write C program that uses pointers, structures and files.

Subject Code: 1B1 (11949) Subject: Engineering Mathematics -II
Course Outcomes-
1 Utilize the knowledge of matrices to use real world statistics
2 Write given function in terms of sine and cosine terms in Fourier series
3 apply basic concepts of vector calculus, integral calculus to solve elementary engineering problems
4 Apply basic concepts of trace and curve to solve physical problem
5 Evaluate double integrals for area.
6 Evaluate triple integrals for volume

Subject Code: 1B2 (11950) Subject: Engineering Chemistry
Course Outcomes-
1 Develop innovative methods to produce soft water for industrial use and potable water at cheaper cost.
2 Analyze engineering problems related to corrosion and metal finishing in achieving a practical solution and apply their knowledge for protection of different metals from corrosion.
3 Design economically and new methods of synthesis of  Nano material
4 analyze the best construction cementing materials
5 Identify instrumental techniques for analyzing the quality parameters of chemical fuels
6 Design the process of conducting polymers which is safe for health and  environment

Subject Code: 1B3 (11951) Subject: BASIC Electrical Engineering
Course Outcomes-
1 Predict the behavior of different electrical network and their theorems
2 Predict the knowledge of magnetic circuit , MMf, laws and rules
3 Solve complex AC circuits
4 Identify the type of electrical machine used for a different application
5 Realize the requirement of transformer , machine generator with applications and working principle
6 Apply different function of  electrical equipment for measurements

Subject Code: 1B4 (11952) Subject: ENGINEERING GRAPHICS
Course Outcomes-
1 Design Different types of Engineering curves
2 Construct projection of point, line & plane.
3 Create three dimensional object to two dimensional object (Orthographic Projection)
4 Project different types of solids. Ex. Cylinder, Prism, Pyramid, cube, tetrahedron and cone.
5 Prepare sectional views of solids using different types of section plane.
6 Create two dimensional object into three dimensional object (Isometric drawing)

Subject Code: 1A (11953) Subject: Workshops
Course Outcomes-
1 define practical skills in various machining operation
2 develop the mechanical engineerings workshop like different manufacturing processes and measuring instrument
3 use different manufacturing processes and measuring instruments for making a job
4 illustrate the behavior of materials engineering systems through machine manufacturing
5 discriminate solution for real engineering  problem  using workshop machine
6 develop useful product by using workshop machine

Subject Code: 1B5 (11957) Subject: Communication Skills
Course Outcomes-
1 Avoid communication barriers for effective communication.
2 Reproduce the understanding of concepts and principles of communication in English Language.
3 Present effectively in front of large audience on a variety of topics.
4 Get the knock for student conversation to make their point of views clear to the listener
5 Develop the group discussion, interview skills, seminar skill and interpersonal communication.
6 Develop effective writing and speaking skills in English.